2023 - SPCC and All.Can Project: Data Driven Cancer Care for Better Outcomes
In November 2019, a joint ESO-SPCC Efficiency Task Force was established, supported by an unrestricted education grant from BMS. It took place in Milan with the aim to design a strategy to help the different actors involved in cancer care, optimize the patient journey, tackling challenges from different points of view. An article summarizing the Task Force discussions was published in March 2020 in the online magazine Cancerworld.
As its final result, the Task Force helped to structure a training programme to be promoted, rolled out and continuously implemented over a two-year period (2020-2021). The main aim of the project was to scale-up and implement proven concepts for reducing inefficiencies in cancer care, supporting a patient-centric vision and the sustainability of healthcare systems, whilst improving outcomes.
Two virtual meetings were held in May and July 2020 to further develop the topic and explore the interest of different stakeholders and actors involved in the cancer care journey.
Starting from the major outcomes of the above-mentioned “Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care: 2020-2021” project, held in collaboration with All.Can and SDA Bocconi School of Management, SPCC is organising with All.Can an educational project for 2023 focusing on the essential role of Data in Cancer Care to improve outcomes across the Cancer Care Continuum (from screening to diagnosis, from treatment and care to follow-up and survivorship).
Learning Objectives
The project will try to achieve the following objectives:
- To provide a general overview of the Health Data dimension in cancer care
- To increase knowledge on Data collection and its use
- To raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities
- To update on the new policy trends in Health Data (EU, USA, AU)
- To gain (measurable) knowledge and awareness of the topics presented and discussed
- To stimulate and increase knowledge of models and opportunities for implementing data-driven policies and management in cancer care
- To share best practices to be replicated in other geographical contests or setting
- To reach a global content dissemination (also to key strategic decision makers at national/regional level)
Target Group
HCPs – Medical Oncologists – Radiation Oncologists – Radiologists – Pathologists – Oncology Nurses – Data Managers – Oncology Pharmacists – Patient Organisations and Advocates – Healthcare Managers – Policy Experts – Ministry experts
Sharing Progress in Cancer Care wishes to express its appreciation to Bristol Myers Squibb, Cloud Pathology Group, and Veracyte for their independent support (sponsoring and/or educational grants).
Sharing Progress in Cancer Care wishes to express its appreciation to Bristol Myers Squibb, Cloud Pathology Group, and Veracyte for their independent support (sponsoring and/or educational grants).
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