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Breast Cancer in Young Women Sixth International Consensus Symposium - Online
Olivia Pagani, CH - Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL

7-8 October 2022

Breast cancer in young women is a complex disease, occurring when women are at the peak of their reproductive years, family life and careers. Being a somewhat rare disease, the optimal management of these patients is based on scientific data derived from clinical trials mostly conducted on older women.
Many aspects of breast cancer in young women are therefore poorly understood (e.g., aetiology and biology among others) and research is much needed in this field. In addition, young women have many years ahead of them to suffer the long-term effects of treatment and specific survivorship issues (fertility and job, among others).
The Breast Cancer in Young Women Sixth International Consensus Symposium 2022 will address challenges and opportunities in different cultural and economic settings, follow-up care, diagnostic and treatment guidelines, from early to advanced breast cancer and survivorship, updating the available evidence and generating future research concepts and collaborations with an interactive, international, and collaborative spirit. It will also include a vote (not accessible to the public) on specific statements and a Panel Consensus Controversy Highlights that will form the basis for a Consensus Guidelines Manuscript to be published after the Symposium.

Learning Objectives
- In-depth learning and update of the scientific and clinical aspects of breast cancer in young women
- Highlighting of the importance of multi-disciplinary management
- Focus on clinical research priorities and future perspectives, involving patients’ advocates in setting the agenda
- Participation in the discussion of consensus guidelines

Target Group
Medical Oncologists – Surgeons – Gynaecologists – Radiation Oncologists – Breast Radiologists – Pathologists – Onco-geneticists – Nurses – Patient Advocates – Psycho-oncologists.
The Symposium will be held online with the participation of world-renowned Experts.
The event will be accessible to the audience by registering on the SPCC e-learning platform OncoCorner. Material will remain available on-demand on the OncoCorner website.
The event will consist of:

RECORDED PRESENTATIONS are available via the following links:
SESSION 1: Challenges in the management of young women with germline predisposition
SESSION 2: Does financial toxicity impact patient care? 
4) The surgical perspective - M.J. Cardoso, PT
6) The patient perspective – V. Sulosaari, FI
SESSION 3: New directions
SESSION 4: What should we change in BCY6 guidelines?
10) Preoperative systemic treatment – K. Gelmon, CA
12) Endocrine therapy – O. Pagani, CH
SESSION 5: Follow-up care: focus on return to work
14) The Asian perspective – Q. Liu, CN
SESSION 6: Pregnancy and breast cancer
18) Pregnancy after breast cancer – F. A. Peccatori, IT
SESSION 7: Local therapy and quality-of-life outcomes in young women
19) The psycho-oncologist viewpoint – M. Braun, IL
20) The surgical viewpoint – O. D. Gentilini, IT
21) The radiation oncologist viewpoint – P. Poortmans, BE

Continuing Medical Education accreditation
Request for Continuing Medical Education accreditation was submitted to ACOE. 
The programme was recognised as being of high quality from both a scientific and didactic point of view and was awarded 6 CME credits.

Sharing Progress in Cancer Care wishes to express its appreciation to AstraZeneca, Debiopharm, Eli Lilly and Company and Pfizer Inc. for their independent support via educational grants.

Disclosure of Auspices
EUSOMA: "Any recommendations, resolutions or other formal outcome(s) of this EUSOMA auspiced event does not necessarily reflect EUSOMA’s agreement or endorsement of any such outcomes".
07/10/2022 14:00 CEST


07/10/2022 14:00 CEST

Welcome and introduction

Chair: Olivia Pagani, CH
Chair: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
07/10/2022 14:10 CEST

Web-based Education and Supportive Care Intervention for Navigating AYAs through the Cancer Care Continuum

Expert: Ann H. Partridge, US
07/10/2022 14:30 CEST

Controversial key points on challenges in the management of young women with germline predisposition

Expert: Linda Battistuzzi, IT
Expert: Matteo Lambertini, IT
Expert: Clare Turnbull, UK
07/10/2022 14:35 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Linda Battistuzzi, IT
Expert: Matteo Lambertini, IT
Expert: Clare Turnbull, UK
Moderator: Giancarlo Pruneri, IT
07/10/2022 14:50 CEST

Controversial key points on the impact of financial toxicity on patient care

Expert: Maria-João Cardoso, PT
Expert: Alexandru Eniu, CH
Expert: Virpi Sulosaari, FI
07/10/2022 14:55 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Maria-João Cardoso, PT
Expert: Alexandru Eniu, CH
Expert: Virpi Sulosaari, FI
Moderator: Elzbieta Senkus, PL
07/10/2022 15:10 CEST

Controversial key points on new directions

Expert: Giuseppe Curigliano, IT
Expert: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
07/10/2022 15:15 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Giuseppe Curigliano, IT
Expert: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
Moderator: Hong Liu, CN
07/10/2022 15:30 CEST

Controversial key points on what should be changed in BCY6 guidelines

Expert: Fatima Cardoso, PT
Expert: Rebecca A. Dent , SG
Expert: Karen Gelmon, CA
Expert: Nadia Harbeck, DE
Expert: Olivia Pagani, CH
07/10/2022 15:40 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Fatima Cardoso, PT
Expert: Rebecca A. Dent , SG
Expert: Karen Gelmon, CA
Expert: Olivia Pagani, CH
Moderator: Ann H. Partridge, US
07/10/2022 16:00 CEST

Controversial key points on the follow-up care: focus on return to work

Expert: Qiang Liu, CN
Expert: Shoshana M. Rosenberg, US
Expert: Monica Ruggeri, CH
07/10/2022 16:05 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Qiang Liu, CN
Expert: Shoshana M. Rosenberg, US
Expert: Monica Ruggeri, CH
Moderator: Olivia Pagani, CH
07/10/2022 16:20 CEST

Controversial key points on pregnancy and breast cancer

Expert: Frédéric Amant, BE
Expert: Fedro Peccatori, IT
07/10/2022 16:25 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Frédéric Amant, BE
Expert: Matteo Lambertini, IT
Moderator: Hatem A. Azim Jr., EG
07/10/2022 16:40 CEST

Controversial key points on local therapy and quality-of-life outcomes in young women

Expert: Michal Braun, IL
Expert: Oreste D. Gentilini, IT
Expert: Philip Poortmans, BE
07/10/2022 16:45 CEST

Live Q&A and discussion

Expert: Michal Braun, IL
Expert: Philip Poortmans, BE
Moderator: Oreste D. Gentilini, IT
07/10/2022 17:00 CEST

Young Survival Coalition Project 528: The first-ever global needs assessment of young adults affected by breast cancer

Expert: Mary Farrell Ajango, US
07/10/2022 17:15 CEST

Closing Remarks

Chair: Olivia Pagani, CH
Chair: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
08/10/2022 14:00 CEST


08/10/2022 14:00 CEST

Welcome and introduction

Chair: Olivia Pagani, CH
Chair: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
08/10/2022 14:10 CEST

Patient advocate perspective: EUROPA DONNA

Expert: Tanja Spanic, SI
08/10/2022 14:20 CEST

Patient advocate perspective: YOUNG SURVIVAL COALITION

Expert: Jennifer Merschdorf, US
08/10/2022 14:40 CEST

Q&A and Live Discussion

Expert: Tanja Spanic, SI
08/10/2022 14:50 CEST

Panel Consensus Controversy Highlights

Chair: Olivia Pagani, CH
Chair: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
Expert: Hatem A. Azim Jr., EG
Expert: Maria-João Cardoso, PT
Expert: Giuseppe Curigliano, IT
Expert: Rebecca A. Dent , SG
Expert: Karen Gelmon, CA
Expert: Oreste D. Gentilini, IT
Expert: Matteo Lambertini, IT
Expert: Hong Liu, CN
Expert: Qiang Liu, CN
Expert: Jennifer Merschdorf, US
Expert: Ann H. Partridge, US
Expert: Philip Poortmans, BE
Expert: Giancarlo Pruneri, IT
Expert: Elzbieta Senkus, PL
Expert: Tanja Spanic, SI
Expert: Virpi Sulosaari, FI
08/10/2022 16:50 CEST

Closing Remarks

Chair: Olivia Pagani, CH
Chair: Shani Paluch-Shimon, IL
Mary Farrell Ajango

Young Survival Coalition, New York, USA
Frédéric Amant

University Hospitals of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Hatem A. Azim Jr.

Cairo Oncology Center, Cairo, Egypt
Linda Battistuzzi

University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Michal Braun

The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo and Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Fatima Cardoso

Breast Unit, Champalimaud Clinical Center and ABC Global Alliance, Lisbon, Portugal
Maria-João Cardoso

Breast Unit, Champalimaud Clinical Center, Lisbon, Portugal
Giuseppe Curigliano

University of Milan and European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Rebecca A. Dent

National Cancer Center Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Alexandru Eniu

Interdisciplinary Cancer Service, HRC Hopital Riviera-Chablais, Rennaz, Switzerland
Karen Gelmon

BC Cancer Agency, Department of Medical Oncology, Vancouver, Canada
Oreste D. Gentilini

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
Nadia Harbeck

Breast Center, LMU University Hospital, Munich, Germany
Matteo Lambertini

IRCCS Policlinico San Martino Hospital and University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
Hong Liu

Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute & Hospital (TJMUCH), Chinese Anti-Cancer Association (CACA), Tianjin, China
Qiang Liu

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Guangzhou, China
Jennifer Merschdorf

Young Survival Coalition, New York, USA
Olivia Pagani

Geneva University Hospitals and Lugano University, Lugano, Switzerland
Shani Paluch-Shimon

Hadassah University Hospital - Sharett Institute of Oncology, Jerusalem, Israel
Ann H. Partridge

Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA
Fedro Peccatori

Istituto Europeo di Oncologia IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Philip Poortmans

GZA Ziekenhuizen Campus Sint-Augustinus and Antwerp University, Antwerp, Belgium
Giancarlo Pruneri

Fondazione IRCCS, Istituto Nazionale Tumori and University of Milan, Milan, Italy
Shoshana M. Rosenberg

Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, USA
Monica Ruggeri

International Breast Cancer Study Group, Program for Young Patients, Bern, Switzerland
Elzbieta Senkus

Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland
Tanja Spanic

Europa Donna, The European Breast Cancer and Europa Donna Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Virpi Sulosaari

European Oncology Nursing Society (EONS) and Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finland
Clare Turnbull

The Institute of Oncology Research and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
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Under the auspices of

Chinese Anti-Cancer Association